Sunday, March 14, 2010

Review: Graceling by Kristin Cashore [may contain spoilers!]

I just finished reading this book a lil while ago and I'm kinda bummed it's over. :[ I know there is another book out by Cashore called Fire using the same Graceling universe and such, but as of right now, I don't think I'm going to read it any time soon.

Sooo what did I think of the book? Actually, I think it's one of the better books I've read in a long time [cuz we all know the Twilight series was one complicated exhilarating read...*cough*]. Ok so I've seen the Twilight movies anyway, but the title of this blog is not "Review: The Twilight Saga."

Pros: It was nice to see a very strong-willed female character [in contrast to Bella *cough* oh i do hope nobody bashes me for this post]. The whole reason I was interested in this book in the first place was that the heroine is "Graced" with killing. Ok, how cool is it that a girl has this ability and isn't the normal damsel-in-distress with a bunch of guys chasing after her and she's all "omg what do i do?? *flail*" [and at this point, I am not only referencing Twilight but Asian dramas as well lol]. But on to more professional statements...
Cashore's writing had a steady flow, which meant the story did not lag at any point. The novel kept me anticipating what was going to happen next with the nonstop action and ongoing mysteries, especially with Leck. The plot also unfolded naturally without anything seeming to be contrived that might've lacked a basis from previous scenes or actions. The mythology of the story was developed fairly well and was believable because it was so simple as well as direct. For this book, there weren't a whole bunch of mythical creatures flying around that would've made the book seem mediocre and typical, you know what I mean?

Cons: Actually, it felt like not all the loose ends were tied up at the end of the novel. I'm guessing this is because I don't remember what happened, but it seems it was never explained as to why Leck was torturing all those animals and those girls *shudder*. I wish there was more resolve to this issue, but then again it's possible that I've forgotten about the explanation in the book. If anyone has read this book and can clear this up, please help me X] <3.
I didn't notice this at first, but a reviewer on Amazon brought to my attention how Katsa never wavered in her decision to never marry or have kids. I guess it does make sense that eventually she would change her mind on these subjects after everything she has been through with Po, but perhaps Cashore didn't want the ending to be "cliche" in this manner.
And the thing that bothered me the most was why name him Po? It seems such a cute name for such a manly guy even if it is the name of the trees that turn silver and gold in Lienid X].

I'll end for right now. Have a good day everyone :]

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